Our Chrome extensions require certain minimum system requirements to work without interruption. Thus, when using “real mode” — that is to say using real, non-virtualized tabs (which are limited to premium Batch Data Collector accounts) — you’ll need to review Chrome’s specific requirements for optimal use. Regardless, as noted below, you can partially scale some resource requests to your machine’s potential.
As of today, Chrome can be run in Windows (7 or higher), Mac (OS X 10.10 or higher) and Linux (any 64-bit based distribution) operating environments.
You must use a processor that supports SSE2.
Free Data Collector
Free Data Collector system requirements match Chrome’s minimum requirements, and therefore an Intel Pentium 4 or higher is sufficient. As the complexity of your structured requests (or as we call them, Recipes) increases, however, the time to manage each request will inevitably increase.
Batch Data Collector
Batch Data Collector allows you to automate complex navigation tasks across multiple web pages (lists). Navigation can take place in one or more tabs simultaneously, so as to optimize loading and minimize extraction times. This means that your system resources will increase in correlation to how many tabs you choose to utilize. A large part of the necessary resources will therefore be applied to the numerous copies of Chrome open simultaneously. You can define certain behaviors to be adopted in the Settings area of the Batch Data Collector.
Depending on the amount of effort you want your computer to undergo, we recommend the use of multi-core processors with Intel Core i3 (or equivalent) as a minimum system requirement, and 4GB of RAM.
Finally, we remind you that while the best possible configuration is unique to each system, you must always remain below your system’s saturation limits to allow Batch Data Collector to function properly during any unforeseen events, errors, or problems during loading or extraction times (timeout) should they take more time than expected.